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What Is The Difference Between Bulls Blood, and Bulls Blood 2nd Edition?Updated 5 months ago

From the creator Josh Meyer: 

"The original Bull’s Blood perfume launched with our initial collection eleven years ago and has been discontinued for 5 years. Not a week has passed that someone hasn't reached out trying to buy this one. I’ve heard that many of our retailers have been called repeatedly by fans trying to purchase this. I have been offered WILD sums of money for an old bottle" 

Now, we are re-launching the same concept: a little rose, a little geranium, and a lot of tobacco & patchouli. It’s very animalic, a brutal perfume not for the faint of heart. It’s polarizing. The tobacco accord is exquisite and, for the right person, this perfume is extremely elegant.
I've made more mods of this re-formulated perfume than any other in the history of Imaginary Authors. And I'm proud of it. Bull's Blood was the very first perfume I made for the concepts that would eventually become Imaginary Authors. The thought of trying to make fragrances people would actually wear was nowhere on my mind at the time. This new formulation stands true to those original sentiments and a testament of perfume as art.

Now that I’ve been making perfume a little longer, I have a better understanding of the materials, as well as a bigger library of materials to work with. This release isn’t just a reformulation, it’s an entirely new perfume built from the bottom up with the story and lore of Bull’s Blood swirling in my mind.

With each new edition, these improved perfumes come with an updated label. After The Soft Lawn and A Whiff of Waffle Cone, this will be the third 2nd edition we’ve released."

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